Meet the Team

Steve Andruski
Steve is a life-long cyclist who has lived in six different states and has been doing maintenance on his own bikes and his family's bikes for 35 years. Bike maintenance became a serious hobby partly out of necessity. Back in the spring of 1982 Steve bought his first high-quality bike, a 1982 Trek 515 sport-touring bike that would become his main mode of transportation when he moved to Tucson Arizona for graduate school in the fall of that year. With a family and a graduate student income, he didn't have the extra money to pay a bike shop to work on his bike. It made more sense to by the tools, learn what he needed, and do it himself.
More than 30 years later Steve has accumulated a shop full of tools and a fleet of ten bikes. In addition to several professional organizations, Steve is a member of the League of American Bicyclists, the Rockville Bike Advisory Committee, the Potomac Pedalers and the Washington Area Bicycle Association (WABA). He has volunteered as the ride mechanic for the Tour de Cookie, a local charity ride in Rockville, since the inaugural ride in 2013.